Alex Nguyen
Nguyen is returning to the Matrix team as a video and lighting designer. This will be his seventh year on staff for Matrix and fifth year working with video and lighting. Matrix’s shows and their pioneering use of video and lighting has been a factor in his return year after year.
Alex started his performing career with the Penn State Indoor Drumline on snare drum and followed that season by performing with the Hawthorne Caballeros in DCA. At that time, much of the staff in both of those ensembles were Matrix alumni, so he continued his performing career with Matrix from 2014 until he aged out as ensemble leader in 2016. Alex also spent his age out summer of DCI with Spirit of Atlanta.
Currently, Alex lives in Garland, Texas with his fiancé and 4 cats. Although his role at Matrix is one that involves a great deal of audio-visual knowledge, being a designer is not what he does full time. Alex oversees and manages multiple locations of a restaurant group based in the greater Dallas/Fort Worth area. In his free time, Alex enjoys spending time with his fiancé and 4 cats, drinking bourbon and craft beers, and KPOP.