Rani Saleh


Rani Saleh is a software engineer and music enthusiast based in Columbus, OH. As a Software Engineer at JPMorgan Chase, Rani works on innovative financial technology solutions while volunteering as the website manager for Matrix Performing Arts in partnership with Reece Bower.

Rani’s musical journey began with the saxophone, his primary instrument from 5th grade through high school, and continued through the marching arts. He performed with Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps for three seasons (2017–2019) and with Matrix’s world ensemble for six seasons (2017–2022), playing in the front ensemble on xylophone, vibraphone, and marimba over the years. Fun fact: Rani is deaf in one ear — a unique twist in his journey as a musician.

In his spare time, Rani enjoys coding personal projects, playing video games, and being outdoors with loved ones. He was drawn to Matrix for its passion for music, community, and lifelong friendships. Today, Rani supports Matrix by managing its digital presence, helping connect new audiences with its programs.